Are your beliefs your own?
Hello, my friends,
Those who have been following along with my podcasts as ‘That Oneness Guy’ know that my most recent episode was entitled ‘Are your beliefs your own? or what you were taught?’. This is a very important episode, as this question truly helps us come to terms with Oneness. For those who might like to take a listen to it, you can find it on your favorite podcast streaming app, or click right here:
Now, here are a few tidbits that I reference in the podcast. For my guy friends out there, are you a Yankee fan because your Dad was a Yankee fan? Do you see where I’m going with this question? Face it, much of what we carry with us in our lives has been implanted in our being by our parents. And there are many examples that the ladies can relate to that have been passed down by our Moms. First, let me say that there is nothing wrong at all with these trivial examples. But what the podcast delves further into are the examples that can have a direct effect on if and how our spirituality develops throughout our lives. Especially if you feel that something no longer resonates with you internally. The example that I give in the podcast is my own and goes into detail about how I was raised from a religious standpoint. It is something I’m sure many of you can relate to, as it led me to ask myself the question that is the title of this episode.
I hope this quick blog enticed you to take a listen to the podcast. If it does, feel free to share some of your thoughts right here on this page. I’d love to see and share your comments.
In Oneness,
(and as a quick reminder; my BOOK SIGNING event is coming up on Saturday, April 20th at the Barnes & Noble in East Brunswick NJ at 2 pm. Hope to see you there!)

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